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Elder Male with Syncope

EMS 12-Lead

There is increased LV cavity dimensions with an increase in transient ischemic dilation, suggesting Left Main, or 3-vessel coronary artery disease. 2. Coronary angiography reveals significant and severe CAD involving all three epicardial vessels. Strongly positive stress ECG Lexiscan administration. Type I ischemia.

Coronary 290
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SGEM#370: Listen to your Heart (Score)…MACE Incidence in Non-Low Risk Patients with known Coronary Artery Disease

The Skeptics' Guide to EM

Major adverse cardiac event rates in moderate-risk patients: Does prior coronary disease matter? Major adverse cardiac event rates in moderate-risk patients: Does prior coronary disease matter? He has no history of coronary artery disease. Date: June 30th, 2022 Reference: McGinnis et al. AEM June 2022. AEM June 2022.

Coronary 100

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Wide Complex Tachycardia

EMS 12-Lead

He denied any known history of CAD, but did report ASCVD risk factors to include HTN, HLD, and DM. Ultimately the patient went to Cath and was found to have multi-vessel obstructive coronary disease with an acute LCX culprit vessel, which was stented. The patient was very uncomfortable, dyspneic, and displayed an SpO2 90% on RA.

CAD 147
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An undergraduate who is an EKG tech sees something. The computer calls it completely normal. How about the physicians?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A 63 year old man with a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, prediabetes, and a family history of CAD developed chest pain, shortness of breath, and diaphoresis after consuming a large meal at noon. They too have dense white masses consistent with coronary atherosclerosis. Edited by Smith He also sent me this great case.

CAD 126
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A 29 year old male with chest pain, ST Elevation, and very elevated troponin T

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

By Magnus Nossen This ECG is from a young man with no risk factors for CAD, he presented with chest pain. Before the lab values returned this patient had a n emergent coronary CT angiogram done that ruled out CAD. Each main coronary artery (LAD, RCA and LCx) are shown in separate images. There are no coronary stenoses.

Coronary 108
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Critical Left Main

EMS 12-Lead

Category 1 : Sudden narrowing of a coronary artery due to ACS (plaque rupture with thrombosis and/or downstream showering of platelet-fibrin aggregates. It’s judicious, then, to arrange for coronary angiogram. Supply-demand mismatch (non-occlusive coronary disease, or exacerbation of preexisting flow insufficiency) a.

Coronary 130
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VF arrest at home, no memory of chest pain. Angiography non-diagnostic. Does this patient need an ICD? You need all the ECGs to know for sure.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

The patient was treated as possible NSTEMI and underwent coronary angiography about 4 hours after presentation. TIMI 3 means the rate of passage of dye through the coronary artery is normal by angiography.) Initial hsTnI was 384 ng/L. The report describes a 60% proximal LAD lesion with TIMI 3 flow.

Coronary 119