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Dynamic OMI ECG. Negative trops and negative angiogram does not rule out coronary ischemia or ACS.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

By Smith, peer-reviewed by Interventional Cardiologist Emre Aslanger Submitted by anonymous A 53 y.o. Compensatory enlargement was defined as being present when the total coronary arterial cross-sectional area at the stenotic site was greater than that at the proximal nonstenotic site. The pain radiated to both shoulders.

Coronary 123
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SGEM#344: We Will…We Will Cath You – But should We After An OHCA Without ST Elevations?

The Skeptics' Guide to EM

He is interested and experienced in healthcare informatics, previously worked with ED-directed EMR design, and is involved in the New York City Health and Hospitals Healthcare Administration Scholars Program (HASP). Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is responsible for the majority (60%) of all OHCAs in patients.

EMR 130

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See OMI vs. STEMI philosophy in action

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

by Emre Aslanger Dr. Aslanger is our newest editorial member. Dr. Aslanger is also the author of the DIFFOCULT study: Emre K. Smith , d and Muzaffer Değertekin a DIFOCCULT: DIagnostic accuracy oF electrocardiogram for acute coronary OCClUsion resuLTing in myocardial infarction. He is an interventional cardiologist in Turkey.

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OMI-NOMI paradigm established as better than STEMI-NSTEMI with new article

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Their OMI Manifesto details how use of standard STEMI criteria results in an unacceptable level of inaccuracy, in which an estimated 25-30% of acute coronary occlusions are missed! The finding of dynamic ST-T wave changes on serial tracings in association with a change in chest pain symptoms ( SEE My Comment in the July 21, 2020 post ).

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Sometimes even ST Elevation meeting criteria is not enough to be convincing

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Emre Aslanger. Emre is a new Editor of the Blog. Take home messages: Any coronary occlusion may present with vague symptoms, but when ECG is clear, there should not be any suspicion. PMID: 34523597. == MY Comment by K EN G RAUER, MD ( 11/13/2022 ): == Highly interesting case by Emre Aslanger. doi: 10.5543/tkda.2021.21026.

EMR 52
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Our OMI Toolbox Application is out now !

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Furthermore, some ECGs may not meet the STEMI criteria but may still be diagnostic for acute coronary occlusion (ACO). Smith and Emre Aslanger, but we also thank external researchers for their demonstrative ECGs (thanks to Philip L. The majority of the ECGs are from Stephen W. Mar for atrial activity ECG).

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50 year old with acute chest pain, with ‘normal’ ECG and falling troponin

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

But STEMI criteria has poor sensitivity for acute coronary occlusion. Like the initial hemoglobin level in acute hemorrhage, the initial troponin in acute coronary occlusion can be falsely reassuring. In the STEMI paradigm, patients with ischemic symptoms and ECGs that don’t meet STEMI criteria get serial ECGs.