Tue.May 07, 2024

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A young man with palpitations.

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

A 30-something presented with chest pain, palpitations, and SOB. He has had similar symptoms for 4 years, but has never been evaluated. Here is his presenting ECG, which was sent to me real time, along with the 2nd ECG below: Regular Narrow Fast without P-waves. PSVT. It is very difficult to tell if this is: 1) AVNRT or 2) orthodromic AVRT (Orthodromic AVRT = WPW with orthograde conduction down the AV node and retrograde up an accessory pathway) See Ken Grauer's discussion below in differentiati

ALS 131
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What Are the Best AI Detectors?

Life in the Fastlane

Sheralyn Guilleminot and Mike Cadogan What Are the Best AI Detectors? We investigated to see which tools are the best detectors of artificial intelligence in medical writing. One tool was the clear winner, while others clearly struggled with accuracy!


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Comprehensive Assessment of Pediatric Prehospital Care Now Available


While the majority of EMS and fire-rescue agencies provide emergency care to children, pediatric calls are rare. Since many agencies see fewer than eight pediatric patients per month, EMS clinicians often don’t feel comfortable or confident when caring for children. Pediatric readiness can reduce anxiety and increase confidence, and research suggests it may also improve outcomes.

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Celebrating National Nurses Week: Nurses Make the Difference


Nurses play a pivotal role in healthcare, guiding both patients and their families through some of the most challenging times with unwavering compassion and dedication. Nurses advocate for their patients, coordinate care among different healthcare professionals, and ensure that each patient’s journey is as smooth and comfortable as possible. From bedside care to large-scale health operations, nurses don't just perform tasks; they provide comfort, enact change, and save lives.

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A Mother’s Journey: Navigating Volunteer Firefighting and Motherhood


By Rick Markley Like many over the age of 45, Sandra Sokol’s introduction to the fire service came from the 1970s TV show Emergency! Like many women, she juggled a career, motherhood, and a divorce. Unlike many women, she also threw herself headlong into the volunteer fire service while taking on all those other responsibilities. “I remember being very little, kindergarten or first grade, and having the fire department come to the school and me telling a firefighter that I was going to be a fire

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Following J.R.

Medic Mindset

He’s the White Tiger. Dr. J.R. Pickett. Or simply J.R. His teams follow him and in this episode he gives away some of the secrets of his leadership philosophies: How he gets buy-in from his team. What he understands about millenials. How he balances decisiveness with tactical patience. Why conflict is essential for successful teams. What he learned during COVID.

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Share the Load: Resources Available to Support Mental Wellbeing


Being a volunteer firefighter or EMS provider is tough. Responders are routinely exposed to traumatic incidents and difficult calls, deal with the stress of juggling work-life-volunteer responsibilities, have interrupted sleep, and other factors that can impact mental wellbeing. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and now is a great time to focus on what you and your department can do to support mental wellbeing, build resilience, and learn what resources are available for those who need help.

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Access NVFC Resources for Commenting on the OSHA Emergency Response Standard


On February 5, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) to modernize the agency’s “Fire Brigades” standard with a proposed new “Emergency Response Standard.” This NPRM’s publication triggered the beginning of a public comment period that is scheduled to conclude on June 21, 2024. While several of the proposed provisions would be helpful and improve the safety of emergency responders, the proposed rule contains multiple new requirem

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Update on AFG and SAFER Funding and Reauthorization


There has been big progress in the fight to reauthorize the Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG), Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grants, and the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA). This week, the House of Representatives will vote on S. 870, The Fire Grants and Safety Act , which would reauthorize these programs through FY 2028.

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Modernizing the U.S. Fire Data System: NERIS Update Webinar Now Available


If you missed the recent webinar on the National Emergency Reporting Information System (NERIS), you can now watch the recording here. NERIS will replace NFIRS as the fire incident reporting system. The webinar shares updates about onboarding timelines, how to sign up to be an early adopter, and the Beta Data Schema , which was released on May 6. The post Modernizing the U.S.

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Get Ready for Wildfire Season with the Wildland Fire Assessment Program


There were 56,580 wildfires reported in the U.S. in 2023. May is National Wildfire Awareness Month, and now is a great time to make sure your community is prepared before a wildfire strikes. The NVFC and U.S. Forest Service offer the Wildland Fire Assessment Program to provide training and resources to fire service volunteers so they can conduct home assessments and provide recommendations to homeowners on how to make their property more fire adapted.

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Safety Stand Down: The 12 Foundations of Fire Department Training


Safety Stand Down takes place June 16-22, and this year’s theme is “Fire Training: Back to Basics.” To help departments focus on critical points from the week’s theme and daily focus topics, a new resource has been released highlighting the 12 Foundations of Fire Department Training. This and other resources for implementing Safety Stand Down in your department can be accessed on the event web site.

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Fit for Duty, Fit for Life: Firefighter Physicals and the Volunteer Fire Service


In order for firefighters to mitigate risks and protect themselves in an inherently dangerous job, they should participate in occupational health screenings. This NVFC course discusses the importance of firefighter physicals and the options available to departments. Take it free for a limited time. The post Fit for Duty, Fit for Life: Firefighter Physicals and the Volunteer Fire Service appeared first on National Volunteer Fire Council.