May, 2023

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Trick of Trade: Dual Foley catheter to control massive epistaxis


Massive epistaxis is considered a medical emergency that requires immediate attention. Symptoms of massive epistaxis include sudden and heavy bleeding from the nose, difficulty breathing, dizziness, and a rapid heartbeat. If left untreated, it can lead to significant blood loss, shock, airway obstruction, and even death. We report a case of a 50-year-old man with end stage renal disease with massive nasal bleeding from the left nostril, shortness of breath, and confusion.

E-9-1-1 246
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Trauma Resuscitation Updates


I recently gave a talk on the initial management of trauma patients with hemorrhagic shock. In the initial management of trauma resuscitation there are 4 key principles that should be followed: Control bleeding Restore tissue perfusion Minimize iatrogenic injury from resuscitation itself Promote hemostasis In this blog post I will summarize the lecture and the evidence for each of these principles… MINIMIZE IATROGENIC INJURY PERMISSIVE HYPOTENSION Maintaining a lower blood pressure than physiol

E-9-1-1 145

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EMCrit 349 – The EMCrit Burnout Model

EMCrit Project

My attempt to model my empirical experience with Burnout EMCrit Project by Scott Weingart, MD FCCM.

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The DIMPLES study

Don't Forget the Bubbles

What’s the relationship between COVID-19 and diabetes? May saw the e-publication of the DIMPLES study. Let’s take a deep dive into this paper and its implications for PEM internationally. Ponmani C, Nijman RG, Roland D, Barrett M, Hulse T, Whittle V, Lyttle MD on behalf of PERUKI. Children presenting with diabetes and diabetic ketoacidosis to Emergency Departments during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK and Ireland: an international retrospective observational study.

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Ep 183 STIs: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Genital Lesions – HSV, Syphilis and LVG

Emergency Medicine Cases

In this part 2 of our 2-part series on STIs with Dr. Catherine Varner and Dr. Robyn Shafer we answer such questions as: Why should we care about making the diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in the ED? What combination of clinical features and lab tests should trigger a presumptive diagnosis and empiric treatment of PID? Which patients with PID require admission to hospital?

ED 130
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Lab case 407


56 year old man with background of type 2 DM. Presented after a fall at home. He was presyncopal with blood pressure of 60/50 and pulse rate of 50/ min. (Normal sinus rhythm).

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Trick of Trade: Inflating the Esophageal Balloon of a Blakemore/Minnesota Tube without a Manometer 


A heavy alcohol drinker, who is well known to your Emergency Department, presents with altered mental status, except that he looks different this time. He looks really bad, stating that he has been vomiting blood. He is hypotensive. He then vomits a copious amount of blood right in front of you. You intubate the patient and initiate the massive transfusion protocol, but everything you pour into him seemingly comes right back out.

E-9-1-1 245

More Trending

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SGEM #404: Sitting on the Dock of the Bay-esian Interpretation of Therapeutic Hypothermia for Pediatric Cardiac Arrest

The Skeptics' Guide to EM

Date: May 10, 2023 Reference: Harhay MO, et al. A bayesian interpretation of a pediatric cardiac arrest trial (THAPCA-OH). NEJM Evidence. 2023. Guest Skeptic: Dr. Kat Priddis is a paediatric emergency medicine consultant and trauma director at Watford General Hospital. She is part of the Don’t Forget the Bubbles team and faculty at Queen Mary […] The post SGEM #404: Sitting on the Dock of the Bay-esian Interpretation of Therapeutic Hypothermia for Pediatric Cardiac Arrest first appeared on The S

CPR 130
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Lumbar Erector Spine Plane Block

Core Ultrasound

Thoracic ESB Intro to NB Serratus Anterior block

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Closed Head Injury – PECARN for < 3 Months: Rebaked Morsel

Pediatric EM Morsels

We all know that Gravity Works ! While this fact can adversely affect anyone, it offers the greatest challenge for those who cannot protect themselves , like children less than 3 months of age ! We last pondered this in 2011 Morsel , just a couple years after PECARN head injury data was published. Since that time there have been several studies externally validating the PECARN rule in all age groups and in multiple different countries.

OR 130
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Imaging Case of the Week 552 Answer


The chest x-ray shows bilateral skin folds simulating pneumothoraces.

EMS 130
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Trick of Trade: Removal of Entrapped Metal Zipper


A young boy is brought to the pediatric emergency screaming at the top of his lungs by his parents. His penile skin is trapped in the zipper of his jeans. On a busy shift, you want a simple way to handle zipper injuries that minimizes pain, doesn’t require resource-intensive procedural sedation, and is quick. Background The 4 most common types of zippers are nylon coil zip, plastic mold zip, metal zip, and invisible zip.

ED 233
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SSM Strategies for Success

High Performance EMS

I am pleased to announce the availability of my latest paperback book. As a consultant working with agencies across the nation that are representative of many distinct models of service, as well as being an EMS provider and a chief fire officer myself, I feel highly invested in the process to improve strategic dispatch and deployment decisions. It is my unique collective experience gained over more than 13 years of consultation and experimentation that is shared through these pages.

Ambulance 130
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ECG Cases 42 – Approach to ECG Interpretation in Patients with Chest Pain: OMI, False Positive & Negative STEMI & Other Causes

Emergency Medicine Cases

In this ECG Cases blog we look at 10 cases of patients with chest pain, including false positive STEMI, false negative STEMI, and other causes to help hone your ECG interpretation skills in time-sensitive cases where those very ECG skills might save a life. The post ECG Cases 42 – Approach to ECG Interpretation in Patients with Chest Pain: OMI, False Positive & Negative STEMI & Other Causes appeared first on Emergency Medicine Cases.

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Core Ultrasound Image Review, Episode 20!

Core Ultrasound

At long last, Core Ultrasound Image Review episode #20! In this episode, we discuss median nerve blocks, fibroids, pneumonia, pleural effusions, CRAO, AAA, abscesses, endocarditis, DVTs, CVC confirmation and gallstones. Check out the YT for the full video! CUIR #19 CUIR #18 CUIR #17 The post Core Ultrasound Image Review, Episode 20! first appeared on Core Ultrasound.

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Vegan Diets in Children

Pediatric EM Morsels

Our world has become inundated with the newest food and diet crazes. It seems like every social media persona provides “expert” opinions on the best way to nourish our bodies. Adults are one thing, but how does that translate to our growing, developing pediatric patients? Today we are focusing on vegan diets in children , and which nutritional deficiencies we need to remain vigilant to spot!

E-9-1-1 130
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Imaging Case of the Week 553 Answer


The chest x-ray shows pneumomediastinum.

EMS 130
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EM Match Advice 40: Program Directors Reflect on the 2023 Match


The 2023 Emergency Medicine Match was an unprecedented year that took many of us in the education community by surprise. There were 132 (46%) EM residency programs with at least one unfilled PGY-1 position, and there were 554 (18.4%) overall unfilled EM positions. Dr. Sara Krzyzaniak (EM program director at Stanford) hosts this important episode with Dr.

EMS 130
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Mobile Printer Produces Microneedle Vaccines


Researchers at MIT have developed a printer that can create large numbers of microneedle patch-style vaccines in places where they are needed quickly. Moreover, the printed patches can deliver thermostable mRNA vaccines, whereby the mRNA therapeutic is encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles before printing to enhance its shelf-life at room temperature and avoid the need for cold storage and transport.

OR 114
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Ep 182 STIs: Cervicitis, Vulvovaginitis and Urethritis Emergency Recognition and Management

Emergency Medicine Cases

In this Part 1 or our two-part podcast series on STIs we discuss a general approach to cervicitis, vulvovaginitis and urethritis, elucidate some key historical features, debate who needs a pelvic exam in the ED, understand who needs what testing, debate self swabs vs physician taken swabs, dig into some specific under-recognized organisms like Mycoplasma Genitalium, figure out who needs what kind of empiric treatment, sexual partner treatment and which discharge instructions are key.

ED 130
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Core Ultrasound Image Review, Episode 20!

Core Ultrasound

At long last, Core Ultrasound Image Review episode #20! In this episode, we discuss median nerve blocks, fibroids, pneumonia, pleural effusions, CRAO, AAA, abscesses, endocarditis, DVTs, CVC confirmation and gallstones. Check out the YT for the full video!

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SGEM Xtra: I’m So Excited – But Don’t Call It Excited Delirium

The Skeptics' Guide to EM

Date: April 25, 2023 Reference: Walsh et al. Revisiting “Excited Delirium”: Does the Diagnosis Reflect and Promote Racial Bias? WJEM 2023 Guest Skeptic: Dr. Brooks Walsh is a former paramedic, and is currently an emergency physician in the Bridgeport Hospital, Yale-New Haven Health in Connecticut. This is an SGEM Xtra episode. Brooks reached out to me recently to see […] The post SGEM Xtra: I’m So Excited – But Don’t Call It Excited Delirium first appeared on The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medi

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Imaging Case of the Week 554 Answer


The chest x-ray shows cardiomegaly & 3rd Mogul Sign due to enlargement of the left atrial appendage.

EMS 130
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TIRBO #36: Liberty or death

Critical Care Scenarios

A brief overview and call to arms around the key concepts of ICU liberation. A brief overview and call to arms around the key concepts of ICU liberation.

OR 100
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Graphene Patch Affixes to Heart for Pacemaking


Researchers at Northwestern University and the University of Texas at Austin have developed a thin and flexible graphene “tattoo” that can be affixed to the outside of the heart, and which can monitor heart rhythms and apply corrective electrical impulses to treat arrhythmias. The patch is optically clear, allowing the researchers to also use light to monitor and stimulate the heart.

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Ep 182 STIs: Cervicitis, Vulvovaginitis and Urethritis Emergency Recognition and Management

Emergency Medicine Cases

In this Part 1 or our two-part podcast series on STIs we discuss a general approach to cervicitis, vulvovaginitis and urethritis, elucidate some key historical features, debate who needs a pelvic exam in the ED, understand who needs what testing, debate self swabs vs physician taken swabs, dig into some specific under-recognized organisms like Mycoplasma Genitalium, figure out who needs what kind of empiric treatment, sexual partner treatment and which discharge instructions are key.

ED 130
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Hernia Identification 5MS

Core Ultrasound

In this 5 Minute Sono video, we’ll guide you through the process of using ultrasound imaging to identify and diagnose inguinal and femoral hernias. Hernias can be difficult to identify with physical examination alone (and may actually be missed on CT!), but with ultrasound imaging, healthcare professionals can detect hernias at the bedside with greater accuracy and confidence.

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SGEM#403: Unos, Dos, Tres – Vertigo: The GRACE-3 Guidelines

The Skeptics' Guide to EM

Date: April 12, 2023 Reference: Edlow et al.Guidelines for Reasonable and appropriate care in the emergency department 3 (GRACE-3): Acute dizziness and vertigo in the emergency department. AEM May 2023 Guest Skeptic: Dr. Jonathon Edlow has practiced emergency medicine for nearly 40 years and is a Professor of Emergency Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

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Imaging Case of the Week 554


The following chest x-ray is from an adult with irregular heart beat. What can be seen?

EMS 130
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Episode 61: ECPR with Scott Weingart

Critical Care Scenarios

We chat with Scott Weingart of Emcrit about the use of crash VA ECMO for the cardiac arrest patient. Check out the REANIMATE course here! Listen to the ED ECMO podcast on ECPR here Find us on Patreon here! Buy your merch here! Takeaway lessons We chat with Scott Weingart of Emcrit about the use of crash VA ECMO for the cardiac arrest patient. Check out the REANIMATE course here!

CPR 100
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Implanted Ultrasound Lets Chemo Access Brain


Researchers at Northwestern University have trailed an implanted ultrasound device in patients, which is used in combination with microbubbles to transiently open pores in the blood brain barrier, allowing chemo drugs to enter. We have reported on this technique before as a lab-based concept (see flashbacks below), but this is the first time that it has actually been trialed in human patients, in this case patients with glioblastoma, a difficult to treat brain cancer.

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ECG Cases 42 – Approach to ECG Interpretation in Patients with Chest Pain: OMI, False Positive & Negative STEMI & Other Causes

Emergency Medicine Cases

In this ECG Cases blog we look at 10 cases of patients with chest pain, including false positive STEMI, false negative STEMI, and other causes to help hone your ECG interpretation skills in time-sensitive cases where those very ECG skills might save a life. The post ECG Cases 42 – Approach to ECG Interpretation in Patients with Chest Pain: OMI, False Positive & Negative STEMI & Other Causes appeared first on Emergency Medicine Cases.

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Testicular Torsion 5MS

Core Ultrasound

In this Five Minute Sono video, Paul Khalil (with the help of Rob Farrow), walks us through the bedside diagnosis of testicular torsion. This disease is quite important to diagnose as early as possible and using this tool may dramatically increase the chance of testicular salvage. Hydronephrosis Bladder Vol. Meas.

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REBEL Cast Ep116: The CLOVERS Trial – Restrictive vs Liberal Fluids in Sepsis-Induced Hypotension


Background: IV fluids are part of the standard resuscitation bundle in septic shock, however it is unclear if they provide a significant benefit. These patients can have a vasodilated vascular bed and the initial use of fluids is hypothesized to serve two purposes: Augmenting the macrovascular system (stroke volume and cardiac output) and augmenting the microvascular perfusion (capillary blood flow).

ICU 99
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Imaging Case of the Week 553


The following chest x-rays are from a young adult with chest pain. What can be seen?

EMS 130
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TIRBO #35: Vent double-triggering

Critical Care Scenarios

Understanding the causes of doubled vent breaths, including premature/short cycling and reverse triggering, plus a basic approach to managing them. Understanding the causes of doubled vent breaths, including premature/short cycling and reverse triggering, plus a basic approach to managing them.

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Chest Wearable Provides Key Heart Measurements


Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have developed a new chest wearable that can obtain both electrocardiogram and seismocardiogram data from the underlying heart. While basic ECG can be monitored via smart watches, no other wearable combines it with seismocardiography, which would conventionally be obtained by listening to the heart using a stethoscope.