August, 2023

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PEM POCUS Series: Pediatric Lung Ultrasound


Read this tutorial on the use of point of care ultrasonography (POCUS) for pediatric lung ultrasound. Then test your skills on the ALiEMU course page to receive your PEM POCUS badge worth 2 hours of ALiEMU course credit. Take the ALiEMU PEM POCUS: Pediatric Lung Ultrasound Quiz Module Goals List indications for performing a pediatric lung point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS).

E-9-1-1 246
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Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome (SMA Syndrome) in Children

Pediatric EM Morsels

In the age of Ozempic, everyone seems to be losing weight! This seems to have had an overall positive benefit on the health of many. Losing weight is a good thing, until it is a bad thing! Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Of course, there can be many complications of rapid weight loss including gallstones , malnutrition , and electrolyte imbalances.

E-9-1-1 246

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ECG Cases 44 ECG Interpretation in Epigastric pain, Vomiting

Emergency Medicine Cases

In this ECG Cases blog with Dr. Jesse McLaren we interpret 10 ECG cases and explore cardiac, metabolic and GI causes: We consider anginal equivalents, and look for ECG signs of Occlusion MI, including subacute occlusion from delayed presentations. We consider electrolyte disturbances and look for ECG signs of hyperkalemia or hypokalemia/hypomagnesemia, and we consider the differential of diffuse ST depression with reciprocal ST elevation in aVR, and false positive STEMI.

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SGEM#413: But Even You Cannot Avoid…Pressure – Intensive Care Bundle with Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage

The Skeptics' Guide to EM

Date: August 14, 2023 Reference: Ma et. al. The third Intensive Care Bundle with Blood Pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral Haemorrhage Trial (INTERACT3): an international, stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2023 Guest Skeptic: Dr. Mike Pallaci is a Professor of Emergency Medicine (EM) for the Northeast Ohio Medical University, and an Adjunct Clinical Professor of […] The post SGEM#413: But Even You Cannot Avoid…Pressure – Intensive Care Bundle with Blood Pressure Reductio

EMS 186
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Proposed Changes to the FLSA Overtime Exemption Salary Level

American Ambulance Association

This content is for AAA members only. Please either Log In or Join! The post Proposed Changes to the FLSA Overtime Exemption Salary Level appeared first on American Ambulance Association.

Ambulance 130
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Ankle Effusion – Identification, Aspiration, Injection (5MS)

Core Ultrasound

Knee Aspiration/Injection Elbow Aspiration/Injection Knee Exam The post Ankle Effusion – Identification, Aspiration, Injection (5MS) first appeared on Core Ultrasound.

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SAEM Clinical Images Series: Back Yard Football Injury


A 10-year-old male with no past medical history presents to the Emergency Department (ED) by EMS for evaluation of an injury sustained while playing tackle football. The patient was forcibly hit by another child against a tree. He complains of sharp right shoulder and chest pain that worsens with movement of his right upper extremity and he arrives wearing a sling to immobilize the arm.

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Ep 186 Traumatic Dental Emergencies

Emergency Medicine Cases

In this part 2 of our 2-part podcast series on dental emergencies we cover traumatic dental emergencies. Dental trauma is common and often associated with facial trauma. In this episode Dr. Chris Nash and Dr. Richard Ngo answer questions like: at what age is it safe to attempt reimplantation of an avulsed tooth in the ED? What are the 3 most time-sensitive dental trauma emergencies?

ED 186
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Fluoroquinolone Use In Children

Pediatric EM Morsels

When you read the Morsel on Perichonditis of the ear last week ( or perhaps the Plantar Puncture Morsel from many many many weeks ago ) you may have objected because of the mention that, when indicated, fluroquinolones are safe in children. Some of you may have thought to yourself “first the AAP allows tetracycline ( Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever ) and now they allow fluoroquinolones use in children… what next?!

E-9-1-1 130
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Nominations Open for the Vanguard Awards & EMS Next! ??

American Ambulance Association

Celebrate EMS Excellence Nominations are Open Now for Vanguard & EMSNext Awards Vanguard and EMS Next honorees will be recognized at the American Ambulance Association Annual Conference & Trade Show, […] The post Nominations Open for the Vanguard Awards & EMS Next! ?? appeared first on American Ambulance Association.

EMS 130
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Elbow effusion – Identification, Aspiration, Injection (5MS)

Core Ultrasound

Rotator Cuff Non-Rotator Cuff Shoulder Exam Knee Exam The post Elbow effusion – Identification, Aspiration, Injection (5MS) first appeared on Core Ultrasound.

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SAEM Clinical Images Series: There’s a Stone Under My Tongue


A 44-year-old female presented to the emergency department with the complaint of a “stone under [her] tongue.” She reported that the “stone” had been present and painless for two years. The day prior, she began experiencing pain at this site while brushing her teeth. She squeezed the area in an attempt to expel it, but this action only increased her pain.

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Imaging Case of the Week 563 Answer


The supine chest x-ray shows a lucent right lung field. There appears to be mild mediastinal shift to the left.

EMS 130
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Podcast CAMP 2023 Tickets on Sale Now

Emergency Medicine Cases

Podcast CAMP 2023 tickets are on sale now through Podcast CAMP the only online comprehensive course dedicated to medical education podcast production – by podcasters – for podcasters. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this interactive, small-group, hands-on immersive experience with Anton Helman will help you not only sharpen your technical podcasting skills, but give you valuable knowledge, tips and tricks to produce your own high quality educational and impactful po

OR 130
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Episode 64: Neurologic POCUS with Aarti Sarwal

Critical Care Scenarios

We explore the cutting edge practice of point-of-care ultrasound of the brain, including optic nerve sheath measurement, transcranial doppler, assessing midline shift, and more, with Aarti Sarwal, neurologist and neurointensivist, director of the neurocritical care unit at Wake Forest, and director of their neurovascular lab and ultrasound courses. Find us on Patreon here!

OR 130
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PBS NewsHour | The No Surprises Act left out ground ambulances. Here’s what’s happening now

American Ambulance Association

Thank you to American Ambulance Association Secretary @WayneJurecki for standing up for patients and #EMS providers. @NewsHour #SupportEMS #GAPBAC #AlwaysOpen #NotJustaRide [link] @EMS1 @jemsconnect @UKROBL1 @AIMHI_MIH @EMSWorldOFCL — AmericanAmbulanceAsc (@amerambassoc) […] The post PBS NewsHour | The No Surprises Act left out ground ambulances.

Ambulance 130
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Wrist Effusion – Identification, Aspiration, Injection (5MS)

Core Ultrasound

Knee Aspiration/Injection Elbow Aspiration/Injection Knee Exam The post Wrist Effusion – Identification, Aspiration, Injection (5MS) first appeared on Core Ultrasound.

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SAEM Clinical Images Series: A Painful Swollen Digit


A 50-year-old male with a history of polysubstance use disorder and poorly-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus presents with left hand pain. One week ago, the patient sustained a macerating injury of the left distal middle digit. Since that time he has experienced worsening pain throughout the digit, now associated with diffuse swelling and discoloration.

OR 130
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Imaging Case of the Week 564 Answer


The chest x-ray shows right upper lobe collapse consolidation.

EMS 130
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Perichondritis of the Ear in Children

Pediatric EM Morsels

This is the 601st Ped EM Morsel ! Having authored 575 ( well, now 576 ) of them, I am often quite convinced that there are no new topics to discuss. Then July happens and we get 14 more amazing interns who help educate me and remind me that there is always more to learn. Recently, Dr. Teresa Crow encountered an important topic in children that deserves its own Morsel.

EMS 130
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Ep 185 Atraumatic Dental Emergencies

Emergency Medicine Cases

In this Part 1 of our 2-part podcast series on dental emergencies, with the help of Dr. Chris Nash and Dr. Richard Ngo, we tackle these atraumatic dental emergencies: infections ranging from dental caries to pulpitis and gingivitis to dental abscess, cellulitis and deep space infection, as well as acute necrotizing gingivitis, pericoronitis and dry socket.

EMS 130
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Clarion Ledger | Ambulance ‘response times’ miss the big picture: health outcomes

American Ambulance Association

Congratulations to the board of the Mississippi Ambulance Alliance on the publication of their insightful op-ed in the Clarion Ledger. “Response Times” are the loudest complaint, both locally and around […] The post Clarion Ledger | Ambulance ‘response times’ miss the big picture: health outcomes appeared first on American Ambulance Association.

Ambulance 130
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Carpal Tunnel Exam 5MS

Core Ultrasound

Rotator Cuff Non-Rotator Cuff Shoulder Exam Knee Exam

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SAEM Clinical Images Series: A Man with Blurry Vision


A middle-aged man with a past medical history of hypertension and tobacco use disorder presented to the Emergency Department after evaluation by an ophthalmologist. He complained of ten days of a right-sided headache and three days of diplopia. He denied eye pain, pain with eye movements, photophobia, and vision loss. Physical Exam Vitals : Temp 98.4 °F (36.9 °C); BP 122/72; Pulse 90; Resp 16; SpO2 100% Neuro : Ptosis, “down and out” deviation and pupil dilation of the right eye were noted.

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Imaging Case of the Week 564


The following chest x-ray is from an infant with increased work of breathing. What can be seen?

EMS 130
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Lightning rounds #31: How to not get fired

Critical Care Scenarios

Bryan and Brandon chat about holding down jobs, conflict resolution and interpersonal skills, and how to protect yourself as an employee. Bryan and Brandon chat about holding down jobs, conflict resolution and interpersonal skills, and how to protect yourself as an employee.

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SGEM#412: I Can’t Choose…from all the Head Injury Prediction Rules

The Skeptics' Guide to EM

Reference: Easter JS et al. Comparison of PECARN, CATCH, and CHALICE rules for children with minor head injury: a prospective cohort study. Annals of Emergency Medicine 2014. Date: July 10, 2023 Guest Skeptic: Dr. Joe Mullally is a paediatric trainee in the Welsh paediatric training program and interested in Paediatric Emergency Medicine. He is a […] The post SGEM#412: I Can’t Choose…from all the Head Injury Prediction Rules first appeared on The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine.

ALS 100
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EMS Workforce Quick Take: Sign-on and Referral Bonuses

American Ambulance Association

This content is for AAA members only. Please either Log In or Join! The post EMS Workforce Quick Take: Sign-on and Referral Bonuses appeared first on American Ambulance Association.

EMS 130
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PW and CW Doppler Physics 5MS

Core Ultrasound

Basic POCUS Physics Knobology Color/Power Doppler

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ACMT Toxicology Visual Pearl: Out of the Blue


Exposure to which of the following could produce the pictured results? Carbon monoxide Lead paint Morphine Oral analgesic gel Reveal the Answer 4 – Oral analgesic gel Oral analgesic gel contains benzocaine, which is an oxidizing agent and a common cause of methemoglobinemia. The pictured cyanosis and classic “chocolate” blood are seen with this condition.

E-9-1-1 130
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Comparison of intravenous paracetamol (acetaminophen) to intravenously or intramuscularly administered non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or opioids for patients presenting with moderate to severe acute pain conditions to the ED: systematic review and meta-analysis Isma Qureshi ,1 Khadiga Abdulrashid ,2,3 Stephen H Thomas,1,4 Manar E Abdel-Rahman ,2 Sameer A Pathan,1,4,5 Tim Harris1,4


Comparison of intravenous paracetamol (acetaminophen) to intravenously or intramuscularly administered non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( NSAIDs) or opioids for patients presenting with … Continue reading →

OR 130
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TIRBO #42: The mobile locus of control

Critical Care Scenarios

When are patient outcomes your fault? When are patient outcomes your fault?

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The Pause- a recognition of a life

Don't Forget the Bubbles

Siren and blue lights. Team allocated and primed. Voices command, ears listen, and hands swiftly execute. Monitors beep—loops of communication. As the second hand sweeps, loud voices grow quieter, and pulse checks fall into an unfortunate pattern. Realisation, its time, knowing looks, a shake of the head, a pain, heaviness. Winding down…. “Time of Death 10:43”.

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2023 Mentorship Guide for EMS

American Ambulance Association

This content is for AAA members only. Please either Log In or Join! The post 2023 Mentorship Guide for EMS appeared first on American Ambulance Association.

EMS 130
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Power and Color Doppler Physics 5MS!

Core Ultrasound

Basic POCUS Physics Knobology PW and CW Doppler

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SAEM Clinical Images Series: The Color Purple


A 64-year-old female with a history of quadriplegia and bladder rupture secondary to a motor vehicle accident two years ago, complicated by chronic indwelling suprapubic foley, presents from her skilled nursing facility with fever, oliguria, tachycardia, low blood pressure, and a change in the color of her urine. Physical Exam Vitals : T 100.4°F; HR 126; BP 105/74; RR 24 General : Pleasant but mildly confused morbidly obese female smelling strongly of urine Genitourinary : Poorly maintained indw

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code stemi


Simulation report 3/8/23 In situ sim ED JHC Hi everyone, Thank you so much for participating and helping … Continue reading →