Sat.Jan 13, 2024 - Fri.Jan 19, 2024

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SGEM#426: All the Small Things – Small Bag Ventilation Masks in Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest

The Skeptics' Guide to EM

Reference: Snyder BD, Van Dyke MR, Walker RG, et al. Association of small adult ventilation bags with return of spontaneous circulation in out of hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation 2023. Date: January 11, 2024 Guest Skeptic: Dr. Chris Root is an EMS fellow in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of New Mexico Health […] The post SGEM#426: All the Small Things – Small Bag Ventilation Masks in Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest first appeared on The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Me

CPR 273
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Pseudoparalysis of Parrot

Pediatric EM Morsels

If you have ever talked with a pediatric emergency medicine physician about some basic tenets of their practice, one of them will inevitably be, “ Never trust a neonate. ” The first few months of life outside the womb can elucidate a myriad of problems that were previously hidden during the prenatal state. We have previously touched on congenital issues like Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia , Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation , Neonatal Leukemia , and of course there is always the Inconso

Plasma 271

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Paxlovid evidence: still very little reason to prescribe

First 10 EM

We are once again buried in a wave of viral respiratory illnesses, and much of the burden of illness is still COVID. I did a pretty thorough review of all COVID antiviral therapies in 2022, both on First10EM and on the EMCases Journal Jam, but that was 2 years ago. I think most of us […] The post Paxlovid evidence: still very little reason to prescribe appeared first on First10EM.

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Pre-Hospital Antibiotics in Sepsis?


Background: Sepsis remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. It is well-established that earlier recognition and treatment can lead to better outcome for these patients . Time to antibiotic therapy (from triage, not from onset of infection) has become a quality metric to improve the time to administration of these medications. In an effort to administer antibiotics earlier, many studies have attempted to give antibiotics in the prehospital setting but the benefit of this int

ICU 130
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Enhancing EMS Safety: Outcomes of the Lights and Siren Collaborative

American Ambulance Association

January 17, 2024 – Irving, TX We didn’t need emergency warning devices to get where we were going – a motor vehicle crash without serious injuries. We tried to change […] The post Enhancing EMS Safety: Outcomes of the Lights and Siren Collaborative appeared first on American Ambulance Association.

EMS 130
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Imaging Case of the Week 580


The abdominal x-ray is from an elderly patient with severe abdominal pain and distension. What can be seen?

EMS 130
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Real-World Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Life in the Fastlane

Sheralyn Guilleminot and Mike Cadogan Real-World Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Interview with critical care clinician, and AI enthusiast, Dr Sameer Shaikh on the many ways to use AI to save time and increase efficiency in healthcare

More Trending

article thumbnail | National Engagement Open Now for NERIS Draft Data Framework

American Ambulance Association

The US Fire Administration (USFA) and Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI) have announced the commencement of a national engagement period for the National Emergency Response Information System (NERIS) Draft Data Framework. This period will end on January […] The post | National Engagement Open Now for NERIS Draft Data Framework appeared first on American Ambulance Association.

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ECG case for the 17th of January 2024


51 year-old-man with 3 days history of fevers, productive cough, malaise, chest pain and a syncopal episode.

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NVFC Launches Online Tool to Connect Responders with Mental Health Professionals


The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) has launched an online, searchable directory of behavioral health professionals ready and able to help firefighters, EMS providers, rescue workers, and their families. This new tool replaces the previous PDF directory and will make it easier for responders and their families to find the assistance they need.

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3 highlights from the updated FirstNet Authority Emergency Management Guide

FirstNet Authority

3 highlights from the updated FirstNet Authority Emergency Management Guide Blog michelle.fordi… Thu, 01/18/2024 - 16:42 By Bruce Fitzgerald, Senior Public Safety Advisor, First Responder Network Authority To learn more about how FirstNet is helping public safety and the emergency management community to leverage innovative public safety communications, sign up for the Emergency Management Take with Bruce Fitzgerald.

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JC: Retention, working conditions and opportunities in EM. St Emlyn’s

St. Emlyn's

St.Emlyn's - Emergency Medicine #FOAMed This week we look at a paper from the EMJ that explores what are that main factors influencing retention, working conditions and opportunties in UK emergency medicine. This is timely […] The post JC: Retention, working conditions and opportunities in EM. St Emlyn’s appeared first on St.Emlyn's.

EMS 113
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Lab case 435


60 year old man presented with fever and dysurea. His blood gases showed the following: PH = 7.

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Don’t Forget the Orbeez!

Don't Forget the Bubbles

Orbeez, those colourful, water-absorbent polymer beads, have become increasingly popular among children for play and craft activities. However, their small size and appealing appearance can pose significant health risks to young children. What are Orbeez made of? Orbeez are made from a superabsorbent polymer (SAP), primarily composed of cross-linked polyacrylate.

E-9-1-1 111
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Paediatric stroke

Life in the Fastlane

Oliver Flower Paediatric stroke Stuart Browne is a Neuro Rehabilitation specialist from Sydney. He discusses what “severe disability” really means.

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Orthostatic hypotension onset after invasive procedure?

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Willy Frick A man in his 70s with a history of HFrEF and sick sinus syndrome s/p dual chamber pacemaker placement was admitted for overnight observation following outpatient placement of a mitral valve clip. The procedure note indicates uncomplicated clip placement. The next morning, the following ECG was obtained. What do you think? The tracing shows sinus rhythm with PVCs and non-specific ST&T wave abnormality.

E-9-1-1 111
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Hypothermic Cardiac Arrest: Pearls and Pitfalls


Authors: Christian Gerhart, MD (EM Resident Physician, Washington University in St. Louis); Dr. Jessica Pelletier, DO (EM Attending Physician, Washington University in St. Louis) // Reviewed by: Alex Koyfman, MD (@EMHighAK); Brit Long, MD (@long_brit) Case You are working in the trauma/critical care pod of your emergency department (ED). You receive a page for a cardiac arrest and take report from emergency medical services (EMS).

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Lightning rounds 36: Nurses are from Venus

Critical Care Scenarios

Bedside nurses and providers (physicians, PAs, NPs) tend to see the world differently, much of it driven by their training and the systems they work within. We chat about reconciling this and how to best function as a team. Bedside nurses and providers (physicians, PAs, NPs) tend to see the world differently, much of it driven by their training and the systems they work within.

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Don't Forget the Bubbles

Melanie Thompson is a paediatrician working in the Kimberley, WA. She is interested in indigenous health and dares you to listen to her talk without itching. Scabies is one of the world’s top 50 infectious diseases , and we thought it deserved the chance to shine. Say hello to our little friend… The Global and Local Impact of Scabies Scabies affects around 100 million people globally at any given time, placing it in the top 50 infectious diseases in terms of disability-adjusted life

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5 Minute Sono – Sonosite X-Porte Machine Basics

Core Ultrasound

Knobology Butterfly iQ+ Machine Basics Basic Ultrasound Physics The post 5 Minute Sono – Sonosite X-Porte Machine Basics first appeared on Core Ultrasound.

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Answers for: ECG case for the 10th of January 2024


This ECG is typical posterior MI with deep horizontal STD in V1-V3.

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Join the NVFC’s Wildland Fire Assessment Program Advocate Network


The National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) is seeking qualified individuals with backgrounds in wildfire mitigation, safety, and instruction to join a new corps of qualified instructors to help teach the Wildland Fire Assessment Program (WFAP) curriculum and advocate for mitigation and safety in wildfire-prone regions across the U.S. We’re looking for a variety of folks from across different topographies since wildfires look different among forests and grasslands/prairies.

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The Emergency Vehicle Maintenance Checklist Everyone Should Have


In the field of EMS, maintenance is critical. Our trucks must be kept in good working order, our drugs must be up to date, and even our knowledge base must be tweaked regularly to ensure we keep up with new trends in the field and keep our skills sharp.

EMS 98
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Ep 133 Parvoviruses: Who let the dogs (and their viruses) out?

This Podcast Will Kill You

This one’s not just for the dogs. It’s also for the cats, the raccoons, the wax moths, the birds, the mice, and so many other critters. Oh, and of course the humans. Even though most of us may be familiar with parvovirus through our canine friends, the world of parvoviruses is much larger. In this episode, we explore that world, focusing first on the biology of these tiny DNA viruses and how they make us sick before tracing the history of their discovery and the pandemic spread of canine parvovi

E-9-1-1 95
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ToxCard: Benzonatate


Authors: Sheila Goertemoeller, PharmD, DABAT (Clinical Toxicologist, Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center, Cincinnati, OH); Shan Yin, MD, MPH (Medical Director, Cincinnati Drug and Poison Information Center, Cincinnati, OH) // Reviewed by: Anthony Spadaro, MD (@TSpadaro91, Medical Toxicology Fellow, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ) James Dazhe Cao, MD (@JamesCaoMD, Associate Professor of EM, Medical Toxicology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX); Alex Koyfman, MD

E-9-1-1 87
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FirstNet Board Member McDevitt Aims for ‘Stronger, Faster’ Network for Public Safety

FirstNet Authority

FirstNet Board Member McDevitt Aims for ‘Stronger, Faster’ Network for Public Safety Blog joseph.rey@fir… Tue, 01/16/2024 - 09:45 By First Responder Network Authority Learn more about how FirstNet is transforming public safety communications — contact your local FirstNet Authority Public Safety Advisor and sign up for our discipline newsletters. Follow us on Twitter , Facebook , Instagram , and LinkedIn for the latest FirstNet Authority updates.

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The Role of In-Situ Simulation in Ongoing Resuscitation Training


CPR, ACLS, NRP, PAL. As a nurse, you are likely familiar with some, if not all, of these acronyms. Early in your career, you were taught the skills to resuscitate a patient in cardiac or respiratory arrest. Every few years, you attend a class to review and renew your certification.

CPR 87
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Liver Let Die? Approach to Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis & Shock Liver


When working up your patient, how often do you think of problems related to the hepatic venous system? Have you suppressed those memories of time spent over your cadaver in medical school learning the anatomy? By the end of this, you will all be newly discovered masters of anatomy and have a framework for how […] The post Liver Let Die? Approach to Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis & Shock Liver appeared first on EMOttawa Blog.

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Journal Feed Weekly Wrap-Up


We always work hard, but we may not have time to read through a bunch of journals. It’s time to learn smarter. Originally published at JournalFeed , a site that provides daily or weekly literature updates. Follow Dr. Clay Smith at @spoonfedEM , and sign up for email updates here. #1: High-Dose Nitroglycerin for SCAPE – But How High? Spoon Feed High-dose nitroglycerin improves outcomes in patients with sympathetic crashing acute pulmonary edema (SCAPE) without significant side effects when compar

OR 84
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EMCrit Wee – Should Patients who “may” decompensate go to the ICU?

EMCrit Project

Who gets an ICU bed? EMCrit Project by Scott Weingart, MD FCCM.

ICU 74
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Noisy, low amplitude ECG in a patient with chest pain

Dr. Smith's ECG Blog

Written by Colin Jenkins. Colin is an emergency medicine resident beginning his critical care fellowship in the summer with a strong interest in the role of ECG in critical care and OMI. Edits by Willy Frick. A patient in their 40s with type 1 diabetes mellitus and hyperlipidemia presented to the emergency department with 5 days of “flu-like” illness.

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Tech Meets Tradition: Wristband Technology and Software Transform Emergency Response


EDITOR'S NOTE: This article originally appeared on Special thanks to our guest author, John Erich, for EMS1 BrandFocus Staff. __ How a state’s wristband system and Pulsara redefined safety at the Texas Renaissance Festival Imagine you’re an ambulance service director in a rural county. At the last minute, you’re responsible for staffing a 40,000-visitor-per-day event – more than your county’s entire population.

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Recognizing and Removing Disparities in Patient Care


In a perfect world, every patient seeking medical services would be given equal care and treatment regardless of their background. However, in reality, that’s not always the case. Gender, race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic disparities are well-documented within the healthcare system. These factors not only affect the care patients receive, but their overall outcomes.

CPR 52
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How to Manage your aches and Pains Throughout the Day?

Paramedics World

Aches and pains are a common part of life, and they can arise for various reasons—from stress and poor posture to physical exertion and medical conditions. Regardless of the cause,… The post How to Manage your aches and Pains Throughout the Day? appeared first on Paramedics World.

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Critical Care EMT

Unitek EMT

A comprehensive guide to the necessary skills and training needed to become a critical care EMT In this article, we explore the essential role of Critical Care Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) in pre-hospital emergency care. These professionals bridge the gap between standard emergency medical services and acute care, delivering advanced life support through critical interventions […] The post Critical Care EMT appeared first on Unitek EMT.

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Funtabulously Frivolous Friday Five 356

Life in the Fastlane

Neil Long and Mike Cadogan Funtabulously Frivolous Friday Five 356 Funtabulously Frivolous Friday Five 356 - Just when you thought your brain could unwind, enter the medical trivia of FFFF.

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Jems – Mike Taigman Honored with the Keith Neely Outstanding Contribution to EMS Award


Mike Taigman, FirstWatch Improvement Guide, has been awarded the prestigious Keith Neely Outstanding Contribution to EMS Award in recognition of his exceptional contributions to the field of emergency medical services (EMS). Mike, a nationally recognized figure in EMS, has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to improvement in EMS. His impact goes beyond professional achievements; he is a compassionate mentor whose influence has positively shaped the lives and careers of NAEMSP members and has

EMS 52