Imaging Case of the Week 530
NOVEMBER 29, 2022
The chest x-ray is from a 60 year old smoker with dyspnea. What can be visualized?
NOVEMBER 29, 2022
The chest x-ray is from a 60 year old smoker with dyspnea. What can be visualized?
Critical Care Scenarios
NOVEMBER 30, 2022
Much is made of “staying cool” during emergencies, but what does this really mean? What is calm, what role does it play in a clinical environment, when is it appropriate, and how do we learn it? This and more on today’s TIRBO. Find us on Patreon here! Buy your merch here! Much is made of “staying cool” during emergencies, but what does this really mean?
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The Skeptics' Guide to EM
NOVEMBER 26, 2022
Date: November 26th, 2022 Reference: James et al. Emergency Department Condition Acuity, Length of Stay, and Revisits Among Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Patients: A Retrospective Chart Review. AEM November 2022 Guest Skeptic: Dr. Corey Heitz is an emergency physician in Roanoke, Virginia. He is also the CME editor for Academic Emergency Medicine. Click on the LINK for a transcript […] The post SGEM#383: Tommy Can You Hear Me – Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) Patients in the ED first appeared on The S
DECEMBER 1, 2022
Bigfoot Biomedical , a medtech company based in California, has developed the Bigfoot Unity System, a diabetes management technology for patients on multiple daily injection therapy. The system uses continuous glucose monitoring data and doctor recommendations to provide insulin dose recommendations, helping patients to avoid uncertainty. The company argues that type 2 diabetes patients have been historically underserved by the medtech industry, in part because such patients typically tend to be
NOVEMBER 28, 2022
Interpretation of ECG from 23 November 2022 The most obvious abnormality is ST segment elevation in leads I and aVL … Continue reading →
Gold Cross Ambulance Service
DECEMBER 1, 2022
Despite our best efforts, things don’t always work out exactly as we had hoped 100 percent of the time. That’s especially true in the field of emergency response. Learning to process failure is a very important skill to have as an EMS professional, because if we can’t learn and grow from failures, future patients will be worse off. The same can be said for the average individual.
DECEMBER 1, 2022
Background: Pneumothorax management is a common clinical condition in the emergency department (ED) occurring in patients of varying ages and caused by multiple etiologies, including spontaneous, traumatic, and iatrogenic pneumothorax. Regardless of the cause, a thoracostomy is often required for treatment (Currie 2007 ). Traditionally, all pneumothoraces were treated with large bore chest tubes (LBCT) defined as any tube > 14 F.
Paramedicine Now brings together the best content for paramedicine professionals from the widest variety of thought leaders.
NOVEMBER 28, 2022
A 52 year old woman is triaged as a category 2 after complaining of chest tightness on the background of having previous cardiac history.
Prehospital Emergency Care Podcast
NOVEMBER 30, 2022
Happy Thanksgiving! As you slowly recover from stuffing yourself with turkey and getting ready for Christmas, check out this latest PEC podcast where we cover the Prehospital Emergency Care Journal Volume 26 Number 4. In this episode we cover manuscripts like: Comparison of Four Methods of Paramedic Continuing Education in the Management of Pediatric Emergencies & A Standardized Formulary to Reduce Pediatric Medication Dosing Errors: A Mixed Methods Study Click here to download today!
On Time Medical Transportation
NOVEMBER 30, 2022
Mindfulness yes it sounds great in theory, but did you know that practicing this skill can have very real and practical benefits in EMS? Mindfulness is the state of being conscious or aware of something. It can also refer to focusing awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging our feelings, thoughts, and sensations without being overly reactive or overwhelmed.
Dr. Smith's ECG Blog
NOVEMBER 30, 2022
This case was provided by Spencer Schwartz, an outstanding paramedic at Hennepin EMS who is on Hennepin EMS's specialized "P3" team, a team that receives extra training in advanced procedures such as RSI, thoracostomy, vasopressors, and prehospital ultrasound. This patient, who is a mid 60s female with a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia and GERD, called 911 because of chest pain.
NOVEMBER 26, 2022
Answers: Question 1: pH = 7.357, that is within the normal range, towards the acidotic side. HCO3 = 16.2, that is low.
NOVEMBER 30, 2022
Take Home Points Consider the diagnosis of testicular torsion in all patients with acute testicular pain Testicular torsion is a surgical emergency that requires immediate urologic consultation to increase the rate of tissue salvage. History, physical examination and ultrasound are all flawed in making the diagnosis. The gold standard is surgical exploration.
The Overrun
NOVEMBER 28, 2022
Whether it be at a college party or in the nursing home at 3 AM, managing an acute psychosis patient is something EMTs and Paramedics encounter with frequency during their tenure. A college student under the influence of mind-altering drugs and an elderly person suffering from sequelae of brain disease can be very similar sometimes… who knew! Today I wanted to talk about acute psychosis , a term that describes a patient’s mental disconnection from reality due to a various array of conditions.
The EMS Educator
DECEMBER 1, 2022
This year has brought many changes in the care provision landscape for obstetric patients. As with many aspects of care, access to maternity care is inequitable by geographic location. Legislative changes in the last year have exacerbated these geographic inequities and EMS is called upon to help meet the needs of patients in these challenging circumstances.
NOVEMBER 26, 2022
46-year-old female patient presented with few episodes of vomiting. Her VBG showed the following: PH = 7.
NOVEMBER 28, 2022
BACKGROUND: Direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) such as rivaroxaban [Xarelto] and apixaban [Eliquis] have become more prevalent in the aging population and are associated with intracranial bleeding at rates up to 4.2%. (Xian 2019) 4-Factor Prothrombin Complex Concentrates (4F-PCC), or K-Centra, is a derivative of human plasma and is explicitly used to reverse vitamin K antagonists such as warfarin and non-specifically in the reversal of DOACs.
American Burn Association
DECEMBER 1, 2022
Categories Advocacy Burn News MAC Spotlight Media Member Services Organization News Prevention Quality Care Research Return to News & Activities The American Burn Association (ABA) released updated Guidelines for Burn Patient Referral today. “The ABA Guidelines for Burn Patient Referral help patients get the timely and comprehensive burn care they need by helping non-burn clinicians and emergency personnel make important care decisions,” said ABA President Ingrid Parry, MS, PT,
University of Maryland Department of Emergency Med
NOVEMBER 28, 2022
Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacing Transcutaneous cardiac pacing (TCP) is often attempted while preparing for transvenous cardiac paci.
Dr. Smith's ECG Blog
NOVEMBER 28, 2022
Written by Destiny Folk MD, with edits by Meyers, peer reviewed by Smith and Grauer A woman in her late 20s with a past medical history of cervical cancer status post chemotherapy and radiation therapy presented to the emergency department for shortness of breath, chest tightness, and two episodes of syncope. Her initial vital signs revealed a temp of 97.7F, HR 125, RR 20, BP 115/90, and an oxygen saturation of 95% on room air.
University of Maryland Department of Emergency Med
NOVEMBER 27, 2022
Approximately 1.4 million transgender and gender nonbinary patients live in the United States. Unfortunately, prior research has shown.
University of Maryland Department of Emergency Med
DECEMBER 1, 2022
Childhood vaccination has significantly decreased the incidence of bacterial meningitis and bacteremia in infants and young chi.
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