ECG of the Week 4th May 2022 Answer
MAY 4, 2022
A 48 year old female presents complaining of palpitations which started while at gym.
MAY 4, 2022
A 48 year old female presents complaining of palpitations which started while at gym.
Critical Care Scenarios
MAY 1, 2022
The relationship between skin warmth and color, cardiac output, and systemic vascular resistance. For 20% off the upcoming Resuscitative TEE courses (through July 23, 2022), listen to the show for a promo code for CCS listeners! The relationship between skin warmth and color, cardiac output, and systemic vascular resistance. For 20% off the upcoming Resuscitative TEE courses (through July 23, 2022), listen to the show for a promo code for CCS listeners!
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EMCrit Project
MAY 3, 2022
Which would you want?? The evidence may change your mind. EMCrit Project by Casey Albin.
Dr. Smith's ECG Blog
MAY 5, 2022
Submitted and written by Destiny Folk MD , peer reviewed by Meyers, Smith, Grauer, McLaren A man in his early 30s with no significant past medical history was brought to the ED by EMS after being found unresponsive by a friend. EMS arrived and found him awake and alert. He complained of generalized weakness and left lower extremity numbness. He reported that 12 hours prior to arrival he used fentanyl and cocaine.
MAY 3, 2022
The following knee x-rays are from a 30 year old with knee pain & swelling after fall from a height.
The Overrun
MAY 3, 2022
Should EMS clinicians be allowed to purchase and use recreational marijuana? If you haven’t been aware of this controversy, it will probably be coming to your area sooner than you think. Here in the home state of The Overrun, New Jersey, marijuana has been legalized for the last year or so after an election referendum showed a clear majority of voters agreed that it should be.
EMCrit Project
MAY 3, 2022
Catatonia is an important cause of altered mental status which is often overlooked among critically ill patients. Although traditionally associated with schizophrenia, catatonia can result from a variety of psychiatric, neurologic, and medical problems (similar to delirium). It is important to diagnose catatonia, because otherwise patients are likely to be incorrectly labeled as having delirium […].
Paramedicine Now brings together the best content for paramedicine professionals from the widest variety of thought leaders.
MAY 1, 2022
Question 1: PH = 7.19, that is severe acidaemia. HCO3 = 14 mmol/L, So we have metabolic acidosis. Next, we need to calculate respiratory compensation and anion gap.
MAY 4, 2022
EMTs play an essential role in saving lives in several situations. How do you think hospitals act when they get an emergency case? It is an EMT who first comes in contact with the patient and decides what to do next. As life care and saving are undeniable, there is high demand for emergency medical technicians in Staten Island, NY. Here are some ways in which EMTs help doctors and other staff in a hospital setting: Patient assessment and pre-hospital responsibilities EMTs are the first point of
EMCrit Project
MAY 2, 2022
All the lit, none of the sh&t. EMCrit Project by Scott Weingart, MD FCCM.
The EMS Show
MAY 3, 2022
Mike and Ritu were at the Initial Assessment Conference (IAC2022) in Lake Placid, NY when it was fate that they ended up on a tour with A&E's Nightwatch bros Dan and Titus. We invited them on, they accepted, and now it's a thing. We hope you enjoy this great episode where we find out a little about them, the pressure of being on TV and thoughts on all things EMS.
MAY 1, 2022
A 48 year old female presents complaining of palpitations which started while at gym.
The EMS Show
MAY 3, 2022
Mike and Ritu were at the Initial Assessment Conference (IAC2022) in Lake Placid, NY when it was fate that they ended up on a tour with A&E's Nightwatch bros Dan and Titus. We invited them on, they accepted, and now it's a thing. We hope you enjoy this great episode where we find out a little about them, the pressure of being on TV and thoughts on all things EMS.
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