ECG of the Week 6th July 2022
JULY 6, 2022
A 50 year old female presents to ED complaining of chest pain. The patient is well known to the department, with frequent presentations with chest pain.
JULY 6, 2022
A 50 year old female presents to ED complaining of chest pain. The patient is well known to the department, with frequent presentations with chest pain.
Emergency Medicine Cases
JULY 5, 2022
In this special edition main EM Cases podcast episode we feature the highlights from live podcasts recorded at Calgary EM during their annual Hodsman Lecture Day, covering a variety of current EM topics: The challenges of posterior circulation stroke (PCIS); Emergency Physician Lead to improve ED overcrowding, access block and job satisfaction; When not to order a troponin - The HEAR Score; Ketamine to relieve suicidal ideation and reduce acute risk; Peer Support Workers for ED patients with men
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JULY 5, 2022
Engineers at the University of Pittsburgh created a self-powered implant that can track spinal healing while also providing mechanical support. The device can be 3D printed so that it fits a given patient perfectly and the mechanical properties can also be easily tuned to customize for each situation. The spinal fusion cage contains a triboelectric nanogenerator that creates electricity when it is pressurized by the spine.
Critical Care Scenarios
JULY 3, 2022
Brandon and Bryan share their approaches to the chest x-ray in the ICU. Plus: Bryan’s an FCCM! Here’s the Radiology Masterclass. Brandon and Bryan share their approaches to the chest x-ray in the ICU. Plus: Bryan’s an FCCM! Here’s the Radiology Masterclass.
JULY 5, 2022
The following chest x-ray is from an elderly patient with chest pain. What can be noticed?
The Skeptics' Guide to EM
JULY 2, 2022
Date: June 30th, 2022 Reference: McGinnis et al. Major adverse cardiac event rates in moderate-risk patients: Does prior coronary disease matter? AEM June 2022. Guest Skeptic: Dr. Corey Heitz is an emergency physician in Roanoke, Virginia. He is also the CME editor for Academic Emergency Medicine. Case: You are working a shift in your local community emergency department […] The post SGEM#370: Listen to your Heart (Score)…MACE Incidence in Non-Low Risk Patients with known Coronary Artery Disease
JULY 7, 2022
A team of engineers at Northwestern University led by John Rogers, the person responsible for many advances in flexible electronics, created a drug-free implant that can control pain by cooling nerves. The soft implant is intended to be wrapped around a nerve during surgical procedures that would typically involve opioid-based analgesia afterwards. As a drug-free technology, the implant could help to avoid the addiction and side-effects that opioids frequently cause.
Paramedicine Now brings together the best content for paramedicine professionals from the widest variety of thought leaders.
JULY 3, 2022
A 50 year old female presents to ED complaining of chest pain. The patient is well known to the department, with frequent presentations with chest pain.
Stem EMS
JULY 4, 2022
The second edition of the STEN recommendations of the Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN) has recently been published and contains indications valid for all types of delicate transport. What the […] L'articolo Delicate transports. The new guidelines on emergency neonatal transport (STEN) proviene da Stem Ems.
JULY 7, 2022
Researchers at MIT have created a carbon monoxide-loaded foam intended for therapeutic use against inflammatory disease. While the gas is toxic if inhaled in large quantities, in small doses it has potent anti-inflammatory effects. However, delivering it to the gastrointestinal tract to treat inflammatory diseases, such as colitis, is a challenge. In response, these researchers emulated the edible foams available at high-end restaurants and loaded them with small amounts of carbon monoxide.
EMCrit Project
JULY 6, 2022
Question: Perampanel is an oral antiseizure medication that may occasionally be used for refractory status epilepticus. It has a half-life of 105 hours. Different sources recommend three different regimens for its dosing: (a) 18-24 mg load followed by 12 mg/day.(33830480) (b) 32 mg load followed by 12 mg/day.(31565443) (c) 36 mg on day #1, 24 […].
JULY 4, 2022
PH = 7.294, that is moderate acidaemia (very close to be mild) – PH down to 7.3 is considered mild. HCO3 = 6 mmol (Less than 24) so we have metabolic acidosis.
The Overrun
JULY 2, 2022
The status quo has changed. Surely, we’ve all heard that from one healthcare organization in some form. “Here at Jimmy’s House of Medicine our brand of medicine is different” and we’ve all heard the classic trope of “We’re not co-workers, we’re family.” I can say for the duration of my career I’ve heard my various employers parrot the same empty rhetoric about how the way they do things is “moving medicine forward” or extending another platitude that their system or service is superior to the ot
JULY 5, 2022
Researchers at Harvard’s Wyss Institute have modeled Environmental Enteric Dysfunction (EED), a childhood inflammatory intestinal disease, on a microfluidic chip and gained new insights into the genetic changes underlying the condition. This is the first in vitro model of the disease, and highlights the power of organ on a chip systems to provide insights into complex disease states.
EMCrit Project
JULY 2, 2022
External ventricular drains and lumbar drains will generally be managed primarily by the neurosurgical team. Nonetheless, some general understanding of their management, data interpretation, and potential complications is extremely helpful. The IBCC chapter is located 👉 here. The podcast & comments are below. Follow us on iTunes. EMCrit Project by Josh Farkas.
JULY 4, 2022
50 years old type 1 diabetic women presented with shortness of breath; her blood gases showed the following: Ph = … Continue reading →
EMS 20/20
JULY 6, 2022
EPISODE 100!!! The guys follow the ups and downs of a call that gets some rarely used, but often talked about treatments. Did the guys learn something new? Will you? Listen and find out! EPISODE 100!!! The guys follow the ups and downs of a call that gets some rarely used, but often talked about treatments. Did the guys learn something new? Will you?
JULY 7, 2022
At the University of Waterloo in Canada, researchers have developed a microfluidic-based pneumatic system that adjusts the pressure within the socket of a lower limb prosthesis. The aim is to achieve the ideal pressure and adjust the fit of the prosthesis to compensate for changes in the size of the residual limb because of swelling. Current lower limb prostheses require users to change silicone and fabric liners manually to adjust the fit of their prosthetic device.
EM Literature of Note
JULY 4, 2022
With all the various competing interests for time, it’s rare to find an article of sufficient note to warrant its own blog post. A notable publication might get a short tweet thread. Collections of other literature find their way into ACEPNow articles or the odd Annals of Emergency Medicine Journal Club. But, every once in awhile, there’s something … else.
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