ECG of the Week 4th January 2023 – Interpretation
JANUARY 10, 2023
ECG of the Week 4th December 2022 – Interpretation There are P waves with an atrial rate of approximately 75.
JANUARY 10, 2023
ECG of the Week 4th December 2022 – Interpretation There are P waves with an atrial rate of approximately 75.
Core Ultrasound
JANUARY 10, 2023
Airway ultrasound is something that can be quite complex but at its most basic, it can be used to help determine if you have endotracheal versus endobronchial intubation. This is definitely not something that needs to be done all the time, but is a great adjunct in the appropriate clinical setting!
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Critical Care Scenarios
JANUARY 11, 2023
On today’s TIRBO: A sinister pitfall that may lead you to injuring lungs and worsening outcomes. Find us on Patreon here! Buy your merch here! On today’s TIRBO: A sinister pitfall that may lead you to injuring lungs and worsening outcomes. Find us on Patreon here! Buy your merch here!
The Skeptics' Guide to EM
JANUARY 7, 2023
Date: January 4th, 2023 Reference: Hasbrouck et al. Acute management of atrial fibrillation in congestive heart failure with reduced ejection fraction in the emergency department. AJEM 2022 Guest Skeptics: Dr. Timlin Glaser currently a fourth-year resident in emergency medicine at Lehigh Valley Health Network and future medical toxicology fellow at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – […] The post SGEM#388: It Makes No Difference Now- Calcium Channel Blocker or Beta Blocker for Atrial
JANUARY 10, 2023
The following ECG was obtained from a 61 year old man with coronary artery disease and previous coronary stents.
The Bottom Line
JANUARY 13, 2023
Effect of Fluid Bolus Administration on Cardiovascular Collapse Among Critically Ill Patients Undergoing Tracheal Intubation @DerekRussellMD. JAMA; 328(3):270-279. doi:10.1001/jama.2022.9792 Clinical Question In critically ill adult patients undergoing tracheal intubation and positive pressure ventilation, does intravenous infusion of a 500ml fluid bolus vs no fluid bolus, decrease the incidence of cardiovascular collapse during, or shortly after the procedure?
Dr. Smith's ECG Blog
JANUARY 12, 2023
Written by Pendell Meyers, edits by Smith Two patients presented with acute chest pain/pressure. Here are their ECGs: Patient 1: Patient 2: See below for "answers", and below that for both cases. "Answers": Patient 1 shows very subtle high lateral OMI, South African flag sign. She had an acute LAD OMI in the process of reperfusion, see case below. Patient 2 has a normal variant ECG which mimics high lateral OMI, and ruled out for MI, see case below.
Paramedicine Now brings together the best content for paramedicine professionals from the widest variety of thought leaders.
JANUARY 10, 2023
The following chest x-ray is from a 45 year old with chest pain. What can be noticed?
Medic Mindset
JANUARY 8, 2023
Dr. Maia Dorsett joins us again! You may remember her from the Thinking: Lift Assist episode. This time she shares what she knows about the process of death notification. It’s a passion-topic for her because she knows how important these conversations are for the loved ones of patients who have died… and for us. She frames a death notification as a procedure that can be taught, learned and practiced.
Dr. Smith's ECG Blog
JANUARY 9, 2023
Sent by anonymous, written by Pendell Meyers A male in his teens presented with complaints of chest discomfort and dyspnea beginning while exercising but without obvious injury. He immediately stopped exercising and symptoms started to improve. Later that evening he felt recurrent central chest discomfort, shortness of breath, and vomited. Symptoms have been constant since this second episode, and are still present on arrival, which seems to have been less than 1 to 2 hours from onset of symptom
EMCrit Project
JANUARY 8, 2023
Shadow Boxing Respiratory Failure Case EMCrit Project by Scott Weingart, MD FCCM.
JANUARY 9, 2023
The hand X-ray shows- dislocated thumb carpometacarpal joint.
University of Maryland Department of Emergency Med
JANUARY 13, 2023
Humor me and imagine that your birth certificate vanished, and your age was based on the way you feel inside. How old would you say you ar.
The Bottom Line
JANUARY 12, 2023
What’s new in the Critical Care literature – monthly updates
EMCrit Project
JANUARY 11, 2023
Today, we speak about a mode of NIPPV that you should know about (but probably don't): AVAPS EMCrit Project by Scott Weingart, MD FCCM.
JANUARY 9, 2023
The hand x-ray shows: evidence of impaction fracture in the distal radius.
University of Maryland Department of Emergency Med
JANUARY 9, 2023
Title: The Impact of Thoracic Ultrasound on Clinical Management of Critically Ill Patients (UltraMan): An International Prospective Observational.
The Bottom Line
JANUARY 12, 2023
What’s new in the Critical Care literature – monthly updates
JANUARY 10, 2023
PH = 7.28, that is moderate acidaemia. PCO2 = 73 mmHg. This means we have respiratory acidosis.
JANUARY 10, 2023
14-year-old girl, COVID day 2, presented with delirium. Her venous blood gases showed the following: Ph = 7.
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