ECG of the Week 13 July 2022 Answer
JULY 13, 2022
A 53 year old male presents to ED complaining of chest pain.
JULY 13, 2022
A 53 year old male presents to ED complaining of chest pain.
The Skeptics' Guide to EM
JULY 9, 2022
Date: July 1st, 2022 Guest Skeptic: Dr. Ravi Garg is a Neurologist in the Department of Neurology, Division of Neurocritical Care at Loyola University Chicago. Reference: Garg R, Mickenautsch S. Risk of selection bias assessment in the NINDS rt-PA stroke study. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2022 Jun 15;22(1):172. This is an SGEM Xtra episode. Dr. Garg […] The post SGEM Xtra: Here Comes the NINDS Again first appeared on The Skeptics Guide to Emergency Medicine.
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JULY 12, 2022
Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research in Japan have developed an AI-powered robotic system that can perform laboratory experiments in regenerative medicine, learn from the results, and perform iterative rounds of experimentation to achieve a certain goal. In a proof-of-principle, the researchers set the robot the task of optimizing cell culture conditions to create a maximal number of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells.
Critical Care Scenarios
JULY 10, 2022
Time is always a factor in the ICU, but some time matters more than other time. Time is always a factor in the ICU, but some time matters more than other time.
JULY 12, 2022
The following elbow x-rays are from a 5 year old who has sustained elbow injury after a fall on outstretched … Continue reading →
EMCrit Project
JULY 14, 2022
Most medical myths arose decades ago, prior to the era of modern evidence-based medicine. When investigating the origin story of those myths, we wind up reading grainy old papers from the 1950s. Surely, we think, such myths wouldn’t arise today – not in our shiny, interconnected, science-based, hyper-argumentative medical world. Unfortunately, new myths do continue […].
JULY 14, 2022
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have developed a technique to manipulate magnetic microrobots into bristle and string shaped-structures that can brush and floss teeth. The iron oxide nanoparticle-based microrobots also activate hydrogen peroxide to release bacteria-killing free radicals to further target bacterial populations in the mouth.
Paramedicine Now brings together the best content for paramedicine professionals from the widest variety of thought leaders.
JULY 12, 2022
A 53 year old male presents to ED complaining of chest pain.
EMCrit Project
JULY 14, 2022
things I've learned from my own mistakes and 2 decades of training residents. EMCrit Project by Scott Weingart, MD FCCM.
JULY 12, 2022
A team at the University of California Davis Health working with international collaborators have developed a new technique to detect typhoid and estimate its incidence in populations over time. The approach requires only a drop of blood from a finger prick and involves measuring levels of antibodies against two antigens: Hemolysin E (Hlye) and Salmonella lipopolysaccharide (LPS).
NHCPS Save a Life
JULY 13, 2022
Since 2012, through years of global change and even a global pandemic, we have been working closely alongside the Disque Foundation to provide advanced healthcare education to people worldwide. The Disque Foundation is a non-profit organization that works toward spreading healthcare knowledge and technology to the individuals, communities, and nations across the globe who need […] The post A Decade of Empowering People to Save a Life appeared first on
JULY 11, 2022
53 years old type I diabetic lady was brought to the emergency department with tiredness, Blood gases were taken in ED. While awaiting the results of these gases the patient had a seizure.
First Responder Wellness
JULY 11, 2022
Burnout is a state of mind characterized by emotional and mental exhaustion. When someone develops burnout in the workplace, they may begin to perform poorly, develop a cynical outlook, and struggle to cope with stress. While burnout can happen in any profession, first responders are especially susceptible due to the intensely stressful nature of their jobs.
JULY 12, 2022
Paragonix Technologies , a medtech company based in Massachusetts, created the SherpaPak, an FDA organ transportation device that is intended to keep donor organs safe and viable on their journey to a transplant recipient. As the viability of a donor organ can mean life or death for the receiving patient, it makes sense to take exceptional care of it in transit.
JULY 11, 2022
Background: Rob Elementary. Columbine. Sandy Hook. Pulse Night Club. Tops Grocery Store. Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church. Virginia Beach. The Tree of Life Synagogue. Santa Fe High School. The New York City Subway. The Las Vegas Harvest Music Festival. Aurora Movie Theater. The El Paso Walmart. Tulsa. The list goes on. The United States has a unique epidemic: mass shootings.
JULY 10, 2022
PH = 7.481, That is mild alkalaemia. pCO2 = 21 mmHg, so we have metabolic alkalosis. Next, we will calculate the compensation.
First Responders Wellness Center
JULY 12, 2022
First responders escaped physical injuries during parade shooting, but plenty are hurting by Charles Keeshan and Susan Sarkauskas 7/8/2022 6:21 AM No police officers or other first responders suffered physical injuries responding to the horrific tragedy Monday at the Fourth of July parade in Highland Park. But some likely suffered psychological trauma that, if not addressed, can hurt them in the long run, according to a suburban psychologist who specializes in helping first responders.
First Responders Wellness Center
JULY 12, 2022
We want to thank all of the first responders who helped out the Highland Park community on July 4th. We hope you all can continue to heal. COPING AFTER A CRITICAL INCIDENT: • Try to slowly get back into your normal routine • Do healthy things for your body (eat fruits, vegetables, whole grain, beans), exercise (30 min. a day), & sleep (8 hours) • Grounding, practicing being present in the here and now (Use all 5 senses) • Avoid excesses such as food, alcohol, shopping, gambling, exercise, et
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