ECG of the Week 16th November 2022
NOVEMBER 15, 2022
The following ECG was obtained from an independent 78 year old woman at 11pm who complained of left sided shooting jaw ache that had commenced earlier that morning.
NOVEMBER 15, 2022
The following ECG was obtained from an independent 78 year old woman at 11pm who complained of left sided shooting jaw ache that had commenced earlier that morning.
The Skeptics' Guide to EM
NOVEMBER 12, 2022
Date: November 10th, 2022 Reference: de-Madaria E et al. Aggressive or Moderate Fluid Resuscitation in Acute Pancreatitis (WATERFALL). NEJM 2022. Guest Skeptic: Dr. Salim R. Rezaie completed his medical school training at Texas A&M Health Science Center and continued his medical education with a combined Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine residency at East Carolina University.
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NOVEMBER 16, 2022
Scientists at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard have developed a mechanically active gel-elastomer-nitinol tissue adhesive, otherwise known as MAGENTA. The implantable device functions as a soft robot, and it can be adhered to the outside of a muscle. When an electrical charge is applied to the device, a spring inside made from nitinol (a shape memory alloy) heats up and begins to actuate, creating a contraction and stretching effect on the attached muscle.
Critical Care Scenarios
NOVEMBER 16, 2022
You have a trainee, orientee, intern/resident/fellow, student, or other learner who just seems slower than the rest. What should that mean to you? A perspective on this week’s TIRBO. You have a trainee, orientee, intern/resident/fellow, student, or other learner who just seems slower than the rest. What should that mean to you? A perspective on this week’s TIRBO.
NOVEMBER 15, 2022
The following CT abdomen axial slice is from a 55 year old with sudden onset of left loin pain. CT was done to rule out a ureteric stone. What can be seen?
EMCrit Project
NOVEMBER 18, 2022
Lumbar Puncture This seemingly simple procedure seems to be the Achilles's heel or many resus docs! If you have a good baseline knowledge of how to do the lumbar puncture correctly, it is super easy. If you have bad habits, then you will make your poor patient look like a pin cushion. EMCrit Project by Scott Weingart, MD FCCM.
NOVEMBER 18, 2022
Researchers at Oregon State University created a new type of hyperthermic magnetic nanoparticle that is intended to assist in destroying tumors through localized heating under an alternating magnetic field. Previous iterations of such technologies could heat up to about 44 degrees Celsius (111 F), which was only effective in easy-to-access tumors that can be reached with a hypodermic needle, allowing a clinician to inject a large number of the nanoparticles directly into the tumor.
Paramedicine Now brings together the best content for paramedicine professionals from the widest variety of thought leaders.
NOVEMBER 15, 2022
The most obvious abnormality is ST segment elevation in lead aVR with diffuse ST depression in most other leads (least … Continue reading →
NOVEMBER 16, 2022
Take Home Points Methemoglobinemia can result from exposure to a number of different medications. The most common are dapsone and topical anesthetic agents (i.e. benzocaine) Consider the diagnosis in any patient with cyanosis and hypoxia that doesn’t respond to oxygen administration Administer methylene blue to any patient with abnormal vital signs, metabolic acidosis, end organ dysfunction or, a serum level > 25% REBEL Core Cast 90.0 – Methemoglobinemia Click here for Direct Download
NOVEMBER 15, 2022
Researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have developed a nanotechnology platform that can make cancer cells more vulnerable to immune attack in the body. The researchers call their system the bispecific tumor-transforming nanoconjugate (BiTN) platform. The idea is to make solid tumors more appealing for the immune system by attaching a molecule that acts as an “eat me” signal to white blood cells.
NHCPS Save a Life
NOVEMBER 15, 2022
Continuing medical education (CME) is critical to your ability to deliver high-quality patient care. What is the purpose of CME if not to ensure professionals stay up-to-date and continually hone their skills in an ever-changing healthcare landscape? But just because something seems like medical education doesn’t mean it qualifies as a CME for your professional […] The post How to Know If an Online Course Counts as CME appeared first on
NOVEMBER 14, 2022
Answers: Question 1: PH = 7.344, that is mild acidaemia. HCO3 = 18.4 mmol/L (less than 24).
The Overrun Podcast
NOVEMBER 15, 2022
If you watch TikTok, and let's be honest, you all do; you know The EMS Avenger from his short posts on evidence-based medicine and all around being a good egg as a clinician. Dan got to sit down with him (aka: Jimmy Apple) and got to talk about social media in EMS, likes and dislikes, and the role of social media like TikTok in making clinicians better, not just passing time while posted!
NOVEMBER 15, 2022
SpineX , a medtech company based in California, has developed the Spinal Cord Innovation in Pediatrics (SCiP) device, a non-invasive spinal cord neuromodulation technology that is intended to treat children with cerebral palsy. The technology is designed to be used in conjunction with activity-based neurorehabilitation therapy with the goal of improving functional movements in such children.
First Responders Foundation
NOVEMBER 14, 2022
The Omaha Fire Department and First Responders Foundation work together for home safety. Pictured here from OFD is BC Scott Fitzpatrick accepting a $1000 check from Physicians Mutual for the First Responders Foundation’s Home Safety Program. Special thanks to Physicians Mutual. You’ve heard the saying spring forward and fall back. Daylight Savings Time began recently.
NOVEMBER 14, 2022
85 years old lady with history of COPD, brought to ED with low GCS after VF cardiac arrest followed by return of spontaneous circulation after 3 minutes of CPR and a single DC shock.
Dr. Smith's ECG Blog
NOVEMBER 13, 2022
Written by Emre Aslanger. Emre is a new Editor of the Blog. He is an interventionalist in Turkey. A 50 something-year-old man with a history of newly diagnosed hypertension and diabetes, for which he did not take any medication, presented a non-PCI-capable center with a vague, but central chest pain. His vitals were normal and his first ECG was as shown below: There is obvious ST segment elevation (STE) in anterior leads.
NOVEMBER 18, 2022
At the University of California Los Angeles, scientists have developed a handheld lab kit that can conduct automated pooled testing for viral diseases, including COVID-19. The technology consists of a microfluidic platform that relies on swarms of magnetic discs, which the researchers have termed “ferrobots”, to shuttle samples through the device and mix them with reagents before reaching an area where a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay takes place.
University of Maryland Department of Emergency Med
NOVEMBER 17, 2022
Research in the pediatric trauma patient has finally shown that crystalloid volume should be limited and blood products should be used ea.
American Burn Association
NOVEMBER 16, 2022
Categories Advocacy Burn News MAC Spotlight Media Member Services Organization News Prevention Quality Care Research Return to News & Activities Jay Leno was burned this weekend as the result of a gasoline fire in his garage, according to the Grossman Burn Center in Los Angeles, where he is being treated. He was reportedly working on a car in his garage when the incident occurred.
University of Maryland Department of Emergency Med
NOVEMBER 17, 2022
This small study looked at patients with penetrating neck injuries and tried to determine in those with "hard signs" of injury (hemorrhage, ex.
University of Maryland Department of Emergency Med
NOVEMBER 14, 2022
This was a cross-sectional survey for the Diversity-Related Research Committee of the Women in Critical Care (WICC) Interest Group of.
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