Remove MICU Remove OR Remove STEMI
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Don’t stress, it’s just an ECG…

Core EM

EKG is concerning for acute STEMI with STE in lead I and aVL with reciprocal changes. Initial management steps include dual antiplatelet therapy, heparin, and STEMI activation for emergent catheterization. Upon transfer to the MICU, she remained hypotensive and CXR revealed multifocal pneumonia.

Coronary 130
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Something Winter This Way Comes

EMS 12-Lead

MICU transport was unremarkable. link] deWinter first reported his unique characteristics of LAD occlusion in 2008, and since the respective ECG changes do not fit the conventional STEMI paradigm (as he even stated – “instead of signature ST-segment elevation” ….) it has been subsequently deemed a STEMI-equivalent.